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A Patient-Focused Promise for Your Dental Care

Yes! Seeing a Dentist Can Be Affordable With Our Dental Savings Plan

May 7, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbeaty @ 3:10 pm
3D model of a tooth next to a jar of coins

These days, everyone’s budget is stretched pretty tight. And while there are always things that can be left out of the budget, dental care isn’t one of them! It’s simply a must-have for good oral health and overall well-being. When your teeth and gums are healthy, you have more self-confidence, you’re able to eat comfortably, and your risk of diseases like heart disease and Alzheimer’s is lower. Unfortunately, there are millions of Americans who don’t have insurance and struggle to afford seeing a dentist. That’s why Dr. Beaty offers a dental savings plan so that everyone can have a healthy smile. Want to know more about how it can benefit you? Keep reading below!

Why Use Our Dental Savings Plan?

This plan can’t be combined with dental benefits from insurance, so it’s perfect for anyone who doesn’t have a dental plan. Since the best approach to oral health is prevention, the plan is focused on keeping your teeth and gums healthy rather than treating problems after they’ve developed.

Our plan offers two discounted checkups and cleanings a year, including routine X-rays. This helps us see what we can’t see with our eyes alone so we can find and treat any problems when they’re as small as possible. For example, sometimes we find minor cavities that aren’t causing pain yet. At this stage, we can simply use a filling to repair the damage. If the cavity isn’t found until later stages, it may need a dental crown and/or root canal.

Our plan aims to help you avoid procedures like these as much as possible, keeping you out of the dental chair and saving you money at the same time.

How Much Can You Save?

Our plan saves you hundreds of dollars annually (you can find detailed information on how much you’ll save here). By paying one annual fee, you’ll get all of the following at no extra cost:

  • Preventative treatment like checkups, cleanings, X-rays, and fluoride treatments for kids
  • Emergency exams
  • Consultations, photos, and study models
  • Custom-made whitening trays

If any other treatment is necessary, you’ll also get a 15% discount on all other procedures, which can add up to quite a bit of additional savings.   

If you’d like to get started, there’s no waiting period, so you can call us to sign up and schedule an appointment at the same time. Seeing a dentist be a financial struggle and your oral health can wind up suffering. With our plan, you’ll get the care you need for a great smile – without breaking the bank!

About Dr. Beaty

Dr. Drew Beaty is a family dentist with over 20 years of experience and is a graduate of the dental program at Northwestern University. He wants everyone to get the high-quality care they need and is thrilled to offer a dental savings plan that makes it accessible. If you need affordable dentistry and have any other questions, he can be reached via his website.

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